Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We made it !!!!!!!!!

We have arrived safe and sound. We are happy to be where it is not so windy. The flight to Miami was a bit rough but all is well. We are pretty tired so we are going to bed now. We head to Santa Barbara tomorrow. We will post when we get to a computer next.
:-) Kim.


  1. Hi Guys.
    Good to hear You made it safe and sound.
    It was pretty windy yesterday so we were praying for You and the flight.
    I know the towns You visit and the people and children You meet will be blessed !!!!!!!
    Looking forward to the Blog as You continue the Water Project for the Towns.
    Friend of Kim's

  2. Glad to see that you made it. I think everyone must have been wondering how your flight would be in the windy weather. I look forward to following your week in Honduras!
