Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bio'Sand Filter factory.

Today we visited the site where the bio-sand filters are made. It was a very simple yet very productive assembly plant. We practiced filling the filter with the gravel, sand, etc.
Tomorrow we will be doing it for real. We took lots of pictures that will have to be uploaded later since I don´t know how to do it ..... especially when the instructions are in Spanish.
There were two little boys (the sons of one of the workers) who were so adorable. The older one was very shy but allowed us to take his picture. I gave them M&M´s which they gladly accepted. Later, when we were watching their father make an actual filter, the younger one was sitting on the ground with his glass and spoon, shovelling like he had seen his dad do. Later, he added water like he had also known his dad did. It was priceless watching him. I think he was around 2 years old. Oh how adorable !!!!!!!!!
We also had a tour of Santa Barbara. Their culture is very warm and friendly. The lady at the restaurant we ate at for lunch was sooooo sweet. She was greatly appreciative of our patronage.
We are now ready to retire for the evening.
Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys.
    It sounds like You had a Busy day.
    Tomorrow will be a day that will be a Blessing to the Families that recieve the bio-sand filters, but it will also be a blessing to You that have a part in it.
    Wishing we could be there to help with them also. Keep us in mind as You are working knowing that we are back here praying for all that You are doing there !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the journey and the people You are meeting.
    Talk to You soon.
